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Data Platform Arcadia Referrals

Healthcare referral management fueled by data insights

Arcadia Referrals makes referrals easy so your team can focus on other pressing tasks — download the info sheet.

The Challenge

Your team loses hours on referral management every day

Referral management is a time consuming and administrative process for organizations of all sizes and complexity. Referral networks are built on complex patterns of decision-making. Several factors feed into a referral — convenience, procedure quality, personal relationships, and more.

Referral teams (primary care physicians (PCPs), clinical assistants, and referral managers) need a solution to streamline the process and suggest high-quality, in-network specialists.

The Solution

Connect your systems to simplify referral management

Arcadia Referrals leverages robust data from your network to route patient volume to in-network providers that increases care coordination and in-network referrals. Our system integrates disparate data sources to provide a complete view of patient and provider information, enabling referral teams to choose the best specialist for the patient and the organization.

Arcadia Referrals is customizable with a flexible configuration that aligns the workflow with the organization’s referral approach.

Streamline and automate the referral management process

  • Support a centralized or decentralized approach to referral management with flexible configurations.
  • Access relevant specialist and insurance data from outside the EHR.
  • Web-based referral entry and queue management “nudges” volume to preferred providers with less travel time and lower costs.

Reduce referral team’s time spent on administrative tasks

  • Decrease referral turn-around time with a standard process to address out-of-network referrals.
  • Automatically approve referrals by leveraging a rules engine that directs users to refer to insurance eligible, in-network/approved specialists.

Achieve better care coordination, outcomes, and financial results

  • Automatically suggest in-network specialists that are best for the patient, using patient and provider factors.
  • Support decisions in patient volume routing based on cost, efficiency and quality.
  • Access and utilize relevant specialist and insurance data from outside the EHR.

Use Cases

Referral management made easy so your team can focus on high-value tasks

Request a demo to see Arcadia Referrals in action.

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