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Arcadia Customer Insights Team

From insights to action, put your data to work to deliver better outcomes

Your database is full of potential. Arcadia's Customer Insights Team helps Arcadia Analytics customers glean insights and put data into action to improve efficiency and care delivery across their network. Download the product sheet to learn more.

The challenge

Healthcare database optimization is complex

Duplicate patient records can make healthcare database optimization tough to untangle. New fields are created at-will that introduce inconsistencies and prevent interoperability. The stored data is dirty — inaccurate, incomplete, or simply formatted incorrectly. These databases are bursting with information waiting to be pieced together to form a meaningful whole.

That’s where Arcadia’s Customer Insights team thrives.

The solution

Arcadia’s Customer Insights team speeds healthcare database optimization

Arcadia’s decades of healthcare analytics experience means we can help you bridge the gap from data retrieval to implementation, maximizing your organization’s efficiency and care. Wielding unparalleled expertise of data analytics and healthcare, we’ve helped systems of every size navigate the optimization journey from fee-for-service to value-based care. Through close collaboration, we identify the pain points and opportunities for sustainable growth, so you can take on risk with a fuller picture.

Advanced risk adjustment analytics close risk gaps with accurate, comprehensive data.

Capitalize on industry-specific expertise in healthcare databases

Arcadia’s Customer Insights team pairs vast analytics knowledge with insight specific to healthcare, fee-for-service and value-based care. Our battle-tested strategies win clients proven results — from large, established networks to groups transitioning into value-based care.

Years of expertise to support your system’s needs

Biweekly meetings with Customer Insights means constant communication, refining and solving your greatest challenges in real-time:

  • Access our specialized knowledge immediately, without the lag of a learning curve
  • Forgo the burden of standing up a full business unit; our Customer Insights team is a plug-and-play analytics department to augment your in-house resources

Navigate the journey from data collection to implementation

Every use case is customized — your organization’s specific use case drives our analysis plan. Our team works directly with your organization to combine your population-specific expertise with our healthcare and data experts, industry-leading Arcadia Analytics, and our cross-customer data asset. We develop combined analysis and reporting that drives results above and beyond what either could accomplish independently

Case study

Summit Health’s database optimization

Was Summit Health’s system for preparing charts closing patient risk? Working together, Summit leaders and Arcadians wanted to know whether pre-visit chart prep was warranted. We dug deep and crunched the numbers to give a definitive answer. Comparing PCPs within and outside the network, Summit’s primary care practitioners saw broad increases in risk closure when a chart prep system was utilized. Using this information, Summit could drive enhanced risk management across the network — bringing down costs and improving patient outcomes.

See how we helped Summit Health with transitional care management as well.

Latest Resources

Data analytics insights to improve healthcare


One good thing about our engagement with Arcadia has been that we have insight meetings with their people. There is a team that is assigned to us that holds those meetings on a regular basis, and they help us develop certain things. That has been really helpful. If something comes up, then we can talk to that team. We have a pretty clear path for where to take our questions.

VP, November 2021

Connect with us to see how we can improve your efficiency and care

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