Booking ahead: The early bird will be seen now

Appointment scheduling, time of visit, and experience in the practice can have a huge impact on patient satisfaction. The underlying data in practice management systems and electronic medical records can be useful in performing outreach, which can have a profound impact on the compliance and documentation gap closure for the provider.
In this work, the artist chooses to present visit activity as a series of calendars, so the viewer can contemplate how visit activity progress over the course of that calendar year. One may notice that appointments remain steady throughout the year, with a slight propensity of patients toward the middle of the week.
Through further exploration of the data at the hourly level, the artist leads the viewer to investigate the different booking habits of women and men. Women tend to book appointments well in advance compared to men, and have a slight propensity to provide more warning on cancelations than men, as well. When it comes to time of the day, though, men and women clearly prefer mornings.
D3.js SVG, with Illustrator
Data sourced from Arcadia Benchmark Database with multiple EHR and Claims datasets