With the challenges of increasing cost and quality pressures surpassed only by the uncertainty in the current market, many ACO leaders share concerns about positioning their organizations for success — or even survival. When faced with political uncertainty, MACRA, or changes still to come, a healthcare system’s best line of defense is establishing strong foundational capabilities that will enable it to respond to those changes.
The value based care ideas behind the ACO have been around for a long time. Healthcare leaders have experienced multiple iterations of value based care over the past few decades — but what is new and exciting now is the availability of rich data and powerful analytics to inform decision — making and investment in each domain.
Arcadia’s ACO Maturity Model describes an organization’s interconnected capabilities in each domain as it evolves, and serves as a helpful tool to understand where to make additional investments in ACO performance.
Download this white paper to understand the model in more detail and learn how to lay out a framework for organizational evaluation.