What media and analysts are saying about Arcadia
Arcadia is the only population health management vendor to be recognized as a leader across the board by the independent, well-respected analysts who cover our market, including KLAS Research, Gartner, IDC, Chilmark, and Forrester.
Arcadia, one of America’s fastest-growing companies, receives industry recognition for innovation and culture
Industry experts recognize that Arcadia’s analytics are built on integrity. We’re proud to receive accolades that highlight our commitment to value-based care, recognize our business acumen, and celebrate our company culture and leadership in healthcare.
Sinai could not succeed in our partially-delegated risk arrangement without the services we get from Arcadia.
Arcadia thought leaders
Connect with leaders who have deep expertise in value based care and population health management analytics.

Media and analyst contacts
Drew Schaar
Senior PR & Communications Manager
(781) 202-3600 x202